10 Dec BlogWell L.A. 2012 Recap
We attended BlogWell in L.A. last week for the first time ever and were pleasantly surprised by the content and the quality of attendees. BlogWell is a half-day conference presented by Social Media Org where big brands like McDonalds and Microsoft get together to share case studies. Two tracks provided a choice between presenters with sessions running thirty minutes; a twenty-minute presentation and a ten-minute Q&A. The format was productive for those of us with A.D.D. tendencies and informative. The conference offered insights into real-world experiences tried and tested by other brands.
Social Media Club SD was invited to the conference and we happily accepted as it aligned with our mission to educate the industry. Melonie was an official live blogger on SocialMedia.org for two sessions: Mattel and Raytheon. She posted up-to-the-minute updates and captured key takeaways presented by the brands. Here’s a recap on the sessions we attended followed by the top tweets from attendees.
Mattel: Barbie for President: Social Media Case Study Recap
Mattel’s Senior Manager, Social Media, Travis Harding, and Manager of Social Media for Barbie & Girls, Jessica Kimiabakhsh.
To get insight into Barbie and her social footprint, Mattel developed the “Barbie For President” 2012 Campaign with the following objectives: create cultural noise, optimize trending topics times to election buzz, leverage aspirational DNA. Because they are shifting away from microsites, Mattel used Tumblr as the focus platform with great success. It was supported by Twitter, Facebook and Instagram where they leveraged hashtags to their full advantage to generate discussions and user generated content fueled by a giveaway and rich media. The most surprising thing you might learn from this is that they did not use paid advertising, at all. Nor did they have intentions of driving traffic to their brand site or direct sales.
Key learnings on tracking ROI when you are not selling to the end consumer:
- Use POS data to track back to post timing – however it can be hard to track the exact spikes in sales to a single Facebook post for example.
- Get value in engaging consumers and fans.
- Focus on building brand equity among consumers.
- What to measure: Facebook metrics, use a social listening tool such as Sysomos to capture all of the conversation about Barbie. Track increase in engagement.
- Talk very little about products.
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Raytheon: Building a News Operation in a Top-Secret World Recap
Raytheon’s Managing Editor, Digital Content, Chris Hawley shared how they created a Farnborough Air Show microsite offering near real-time features, news, videos, and photos. The air shows in Farnborough, UK and paris (alternating years) are the most important trade shows of the aerospace and defense industry. There were many challenges in making it successful including a multitude of high profile stakeholders including the Ministry of Defense, conversations with controversy, potential PR landmines, and management of secretive, government content.
Lessons learned:
- Get all the stories written ahead of time, top off with fresh quotes as necessary
- Quality over quantity
- One-company stories and big-picture context
- Make sure photographers understand journalistic focus and don’t over-program them with assignments
- Plan for dumping photos and video
- Give the audience what it wants
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Ethics, Legal & Blogger Outreach Recap
Here are key points we live tweeted from this session. Get Disclosure best practices toolkit here.
Aria Resort & Casino Recap
Here are key points we live tweeted from this session.
General Mills Recap
Here are key points we live tweeted from this session.
Useful Downloads
Disclosure best practices toolkit>
All sessions live blogs>
Microsoft presentation from Rob Wolf>
Top #BlogWell Tweets
Here is a round-up of the best of Twitter with presenter quotes and key takeaways from event attendees.
#blogwell Barbie is a person, and uses social media as a person, not a brand, says @tjharding at @mattel twitter.com/DowntownRob/st…
— ♛DowntownRob♛ (@DowntownRob) December 5, 2012
Mattel didn’t try to make every platform do everything..just what each does best. All pointed to Barbie’s campaign hub on Tumblr. #BlogWell
— Carol Mjoseth (@CarolAMjoseth) December 5, 2012
McDonald’s has done a great job creating content for social. yourquestions.mcdonalds.ca is a great example! (@lizbbullock @sostir) #Blogwell
— cecycorrea (@cecycorrea) December 5, 2012
WOW McDonalds has 85+ Facebook & 80+ Twitter pages. #blogwell
— Lindsay Listanski (@LListanski) December 5, 2012
How to create video that transcends geo, culture, & language? #McDonalds 1:interesting visuals 2: music 3: fun storyline #blogwell
— Jonathan Quello (@JakeHue) December 5, 2012
#blogwell @raytheon amplified Famborough using a Tweetup, and used numbers from NASA to alleviate mgmt concerns, 51% boost in site visitors — ♛DowntownRob♛ (@DowntownRob) December 5, 2012
Twitter is not as curated for Microsoft since the content moves so fast and it doesn’t have as long of a shelf life #blogwell — Chris Baccus (@cbaccus) December 6, 2012
General guidelines for posting = 75% external content. 25% tooting your own horn. ~ @jkbjensen of @microsoft #socialmedia #blogwell — Sarah Beth Rosa (@sarahbethrosa) December 6, 2012
Knowing your voice and sweating the details. Two tips we learned from @thatrobguy during the @microsoft social media session #BlogWell — Bolt PR (@BoltPR) December 6, 2012
Microsoft uses PTAT to measure health of their social community. #Blogwell twitter.com/LListanski/sta… — Lindsay Listanski (@LListanski) December 6, 2012
Sometimes get out of the way and let the content speak for itself by not writing too much on your social media posts #blogwell Microsoft — Chris Baccus (@cbaccus) December 6, 2012
Keep content fresh says @thatrobguy 2-3 post per day for Facebook, 10-20 for Twitter, Avg. life of a Fb post 2.5hrs #Microsoft #blogwell — Leigh Acton (@leighacton) December 6, 2012
Brands: Make your agency/3rd party agree to meet/exceed your social media guidelines and FTC rules. (No prob @fandommarketing!) #blogwell — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) December 5, 2012
Get legal advice from your legal team, not your social media dude. #Blogwell — Sharif Renno (@SharifRenno) December 5, 2012
Practice Safe Social. 1. Require disclosure. 2. Monitor convos & correct misstatements. 3. Create social policies & training.#Blogwell — Sharif Renno (@SharifRenno) December 5, 2012
FTC says if co has a policy and in good faith trains employees, your brand will not be held liable for rogue employees #Blogwell — liz brown bullock (@lizbbullock) December 5, 2012
Actually liked the ethics talk at #blogwell. It’s not just the right thing to do- it’s the only thing you can do. You will get caught. — Laura E. Wilson (@LauraEWilson) December 5, 2012
If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, don’t say it on Social Media. “Don’t lie to mom” Andy, CEO of SocialMedia.org #blogwell — Megan J. Hagist (@MsMeganJulia) December 5, 2012
Yelp posts a notice on profiles if a brand pays people for creating reviews. (Didn’t know that, an embarrassing “outing”!) #blogwell — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) December 5, 2012
Great message on being responsible in social: Save your brand, save your reputation, save your job. #blogwell — Bonnie Nicholls (@banicholls) December 5, 2012
Save social media! If you have to ask, the answer is no. It’s easier to be honest. Pass it on, nerds. 🙂 #BlogWell @socialmediaorg — Nancy Casanova (@nancycasanova) December 5, 2012
“be careful who you hire” you are responsible of your agency’s actions.” #blogwell @socialmediaorg — Kanakara(@KNav) December 5, 2012
10 magic words “I work for _______ and this is my personal opinion” in your bio. #socialmediaethics #blogwell — Lauren Buchman (@LaurenJBuchman) December 5, 2012
Honest social media means you always disclose… #blogwell twitter.com/melonie/status… — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) December 5, 2012
KP’s care stories to promote benefits of care, let members showcase their physicians & showcase expert medicine. @vincegolla #Blogwell — liz brown bullock (@lizbbullock) December 5, 2012
“Appetite for video is growing, but the appetite for *perfect* video is diminishing.” -@vincegolla. Being timely & topical is key. #BlogWell — Chad Coleman (@HashtagChad) December 5, 2012
Kaiser uses WordPress for its video blog. Fed by YouTube, loved by google. #blogwell — Jack Pate (@arkansas) December 5, 2012
Kaiser’s video equipment list shared on Amazon. Very cool. amzn.to/kpvidlist #Blogwell — Chris Baccus (@cbaccus) December 6, 2012
Aria Resort & Casino Las Vegas
Keep it simple. Enhance traditional marketing.Be interesting. Make it shareable. Be brave & try new things. #socialmedia #Blogwell — Coldwell Banker (@coldwellbanker) December 6, 2012
Yelp posts a notice on profiles if a brand pays people for creating reviews. (Didn’t know that, an embarrassing “outing”!) #blogwell — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) December 5, 2012
Community mgr traits: Connection to the brand, high level of ownership, internal knowledge hub. #blogwell — Catherine Dam (@Catherine_Dam) December 6, 2012
Taking away some great insights from #BlogWell. I was especially impressed by MGM. One guy running Aria’s social media? Insane. — Jessica Kaplan (@jessicakap) December 6, 2012
Turn the negative comments into positive ones.#blogwell — Catherine Dam (@Catherine_Dam) December 6, 2012
Never delete anything bad in social, respond to it! Turn negative into positive. 90% is resolved w/ timely response @derekschoen #blogwell — Bobby Isaacson (@bobbyisaacson) December 6, 2012
Campaign brainstorming: Ask the question why? from a consumer perspective. Create lists. @arialv #blogwell — Alyson Pitarre (@alysonpitarre) December 6, 2012
General Mills
brand community managers aren’t selling more products – they’re creating brand equity, awareness, actionable intuition for company #blogwell
— Ellyn Rice (@Ricellyn) December 6, 2012
“When recruiting community managers, we look for qualities (creative writing skills) vs. job exp.” @helloaaron @generalmills #blogwell
— Scott Bennett (@ScottB3nn3tt) December 6, 2012
Keep it simple. Enhance traditional marketing.Be interesting. Make it shareable. Be brave & try new things. #Blogwell
— Lindsay Listanski (@LListanski) December 6, 2012
Integrating traditional and social media. Enhance content, expand audience. Tie it back to your brands tag line @derekschoen #blogwell
— Catherine Dam (@Catherine_Dam) December 6, 2012
Social media at @generalmills is less about selling more Cheerios, more about building brand awareness, advocacy & reputation. #blogwell
— Scott Bennett (@ScottB3nn3tt) December 6, 2012
Life Technologies
Life technologies social strategy is to exchange value. Not just products, but useful info to deepen customer relationships #Blogwell
— liz brown bullock (@lizbbullock) December 6, 2012
Life technologies focused on enablement. Building thought leaders w/i co. Finding that customers prefer convos w/ those employees #Blogwell
— liz brown bullock (@lizbbullock) December 6, 2012
If I could sum up this week’s #BlogWell & @socialmediaorg in 2 statements it would be; Content is king & talk to your audience not at them
— Derek Schoen (@DerekSchoen) December 7, 2012
Thanks to @socialmediaorg for the great #blogwell! Great case studies, useful info, great people, great snacks! Can’t wait till the next!
— Geeks.com (@ComputerGeeks) December 6, 2012
Another great #BlogWell. So nice to see my extended social media family again. Until next time… safe travels to all heading back home.
— Chase Fritchle (@cfritchle) December 7, 2012
It’s become more clear than ever that quality>quantity in sm. Don’t overwhelm consumers, just give ’em what they want ~@llistanski #BlogWell
— Garick Chan ★☆★ (@ilovegarick) December 6, 2012
This -> MT@GenaMazzeo Lots on storytelling at #Blogwell But remember, stories about our brands consumers care about, not what WE care about
— Chris Baccus (@cbaccus) December 6, 2012
Remember, what happens in Vegas ends up at #blogwell
— ScottDeYager (@ScottDeYager) December 6, 2012
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