05 May Fandom’s Rob Marlbrough to Speak at University of San Diego School of Business eCommerce Class
Fandom Marketing co-founder, Rob Marlbrough was invited by University of San Diego (USD) professor Cynthia Nitsch to speak to her eCommerce undergraduate class on Tuesday, May 13.
After meeting Rob at Social Media Marketing World in March, Professor Nitsch believed he would provide her students with a perspective on the future of blogging.
The class falls under the School of Business Administration’s division of Information Technology Management. It focuses on understanding emerging online technologies and trends as well as their influence on the electronic commerce marketplace. Topics include eCommerce and eBusiness fundamentals, eCommerce business strategy, customer relationship management, supply chain management and implementation of eCommerce such as analysis, design and maintenance. Rob definitely has the background to speak on these topics, especially the latter.
The mission for USD’s School of Business Administration is:
To develop socially responsible business leaders with a global outlook through academically rigorous, relevant, and values-base education and research.
As believers in continuing education, we’re excited that Rob gets to share some of his values, expertise and charm to our future leaders in business and technology.
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