24 Aug Here’s What You Missed At Social Fresh West 2013 [slideshows, photos, top tweets]
Social Fresh West is one of the bigger social media marketing conferences to hit the West Coast. This is the second year Fandom has partnered to help promote the event and attend. Each year seems to get better and better.
Best described as a combination of “big town speakers” with a “small town feel,” the conference was held at the Doubletree in San Diego August 22nd and 23rd. This year high caliber speakers filled two days of single track sessions on topics ranging from social content marketing to Slideshare domination. We had a few appearances from local leaders like hilarious co-host Stacy Zapar, the most connected woman on LinkedIn. And, national marketing powerhouses such as C.C. Chapman and Neal Schaffer.
Don’t be sad if you missed it. We’ve embedded slideshows from our favorite sessions along with top Twitter snippets. Watch for Social Fresh 2014 by signing up for updates on their website.
our fav social fresh presentations
We love that Social Fresh doesn’t put their session presentations behind lock and key, and ask for more money to get to them. Get a ton of sessions here on Slideshare. Our favorite picks follow.
(also see the full 60 minute version with audio)
social fresh photos
View all of our Social Fresh West 2013 photos on Facebook
#socialfresh twitter tidbits
The best part about a social media conference is the networking we experience using Twitter and the event hashtag. The smartest quotes from speakers will bubble up here. Many of our friends who missed the conference were practically able to virtually attend in realtime following the hashtag. Here’s the best of the West on Twitter in no particular order. With one exception, up first you’ll find the first ever Social Fresh marriage proposal!
Woot! RT @taskouttoma: Juicy details on how @sebrusk & @OnAMissionAlex got #engaged & how it happened: http://t.co/hf2GGiFtR7 #socialfresh
— Alexandra Figueredo (@OnAMissionAlex) August 28, 2013
Free Giraffe Rides at Social Fresh WEST 2013: This was a fun one! Social Fresh CEO Jason Keath and team had it… http://t.co/La9q053Y0L — Howard Moorey (@hojomo) August 28, 2013
“Marketing is not a department. Marketing is a way of business.” #socialfresh #FavoriteQuote #inspired — Sylvia Cieslik (@SylviaCieslik) August 24, 2013
Brilliant Instagram strategy from @sfgiants – Storytelling, reporting, connecting & inspiring. Well done @srabe #socialfresh #visualcontent
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerCA) August 23, 2013
fans tagging your products is a testimonial and review, it’s the new postcard #socialfresh
— Andy Newbom (@brewbom) August 23, 2013
“Great content is something that makes people want to swear, care or share.” ~ @prsarahevans rt @StacyZapar #socialfresh #Socialmedia — Jeff J. Spady (@J_Spady) August 23, 2013
Great content makes you want to care, share or swear (and more tips for creating great stuff) http://t.co/WTOONuXowm #socialfresh
— Sarah Evans (@prsarahevans) August 26, 2013
Your brand is what people say about you when you’re *not* in the room. The *web* is the room and it’s social. #socialfresh
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) August 23, 2013
#socialnedia Engagement leads to affinity leads to sales #socialfresh — Andy Newbom (@brewbom) August 23, 2013
59% of brands have an Instagram account. #socialfresh
— Julien Brandt (@Julienbrandt) August 23, 2013
You can print your Instagram photos at Walgreens – COOL #socialfresh
— CallieTalk (@CallieTalk) August 23, 2013
What people actually want to talk about has nothing to do with your brand. Try to become part of their conversation. #socialfresh
— Mary Baum (@marybaum20) April 18, 2013
oh snap… @reddit generates more traffic than any other site (which we use in PR typically) #socialfresh #foodforthought
— Charity (@youplusmeCEO) August 23, 2013
Great content sometimes needs a little seeding (get by with a little help from your friends) @prsarahevans #socialfresh
— Natalia (@CarterNaty) August 23, 2013
Related articles are important! Use plugins, but also hand curate in articles. #socialfresh @prsarahevans — Allison Matherly (@allisonmatherly) August 23, 2013
90% of people on social networks are lurking and learning — not engaging @chuckHemann #socialfresh — SEMSanDiego (@SEM_SanDiego) August 23, 2013
The first Influencers you should go after are those who already love your brand. Klout scores are just numbers. #socialfresh @cc_chapman — StephanieFrascoClegg (@StephanieFrasco) August 22, 2013
SW Airlines in 1970s used to give a handle of whiskey with every ticket! They were the largest distributor of liquor in TX. #socialfresh — Peggy Gartin (@thepegisin) August 23, 2013
Everyone has a plan for the next 3 weeks or 3 months. You should be thinking about the next 3 years. #influenceroutreach @cc_chapman
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) August 22, 2013
.@briansolis recommends reviewing Google’s Zero Moment of Truth: http://t.co/H7VjMagyDi #socialfresh
— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) August 23, 2013
Give consumers a reason to share and a reason to care! #socialfresh #sofreshtip pic.twitter.com/gVBJ4oR3mL — Organik SEO (@OrganikSEO) August 23, 2013
The first Influencers you should go after are those who already love your brand. Klout scores are just numbers. #socialfresh @cc_chapman
— StephanieFrascoClegg (@StephanieFrasco) August 22, 2013
Social is mobile! Smartphones are the first screen! #socialfresh pic.twitter.com/TtFYjb8nsW
— Allison Matherly (@allisonmatherly) August 23, 2013
Great content makes you want to care, share or swear (and more tips for creating great stuff) http://t.co/tU51aYMTX3 #socialfresh — Sarah Evans (@favesco) August 26, 2013
“Marketing is not a department. Marketing is a way of business.” @briansolis #socialfresh — D3, Inc. (@d3logic) August 26, 2013
Instagram captures statements of people” @srabe #socialfresh http://t.co/1yR9b3fctm http://t.co/dUWcMQXv69 — SocialBuzzTV (@socialbuzztv) August 25, 2013
Thanks #socialfresh for this awesome conference and those who tweets insightful nuggets 🙂
— Naully Nicolas (@naullyn) August 24, 2013
Andy Newbom
Posted at 12:38h, 30 Augustit was a fantastic event! glad to meet a few of you.