01 Oct What’s the Future of Social Data? What Big Mistakes Are Companies Making? Find Out in Our Social Data Week Recap
The Social Data Week San Francisco summit was pretty awesome. The event kicked off an entire week of awareness and thinking dedicated to the topics of social media and big data. Rob Marlbrough and Melonie Gallegos were on the scene to do some live coverage of the event. We’re sad to say we missed the rest of the week in New York and around the world. It was great to connect with people on the other side of social marketing, the analysts and data collectors, to get another view on what this all means to business. Here’s a recap in case you missed it.
quotable notables
Robert Scoble, Rackspace
The next thing is ecosystems.
For example, the new iPhone has a motion sensor that talks to low energy sensors in your shoes, watch etc. You’ll walk into a business to be recognized and receive a custom experience. At Sutter Home mainstream wine drinkers receive a different experience from high-end drinkers.
Google Glass will be at $500. [When released to the mass market.]
Is there a lag in consumer adoption of sensors?
iPhone motion sensors will reach mass audience first. Fitbit and Fuelband sensors have already started.The iWatch exists.
On data capture: It’s hard for users to accept unless it’s valuable to them.
We’re creatures of habit.
The future of context – A startup called Tap n’ Go is already being tested on twenty-five college campuses. It will study the behavior from the time a NYU a student gets up in the morning, and steps out of the dorm room. It will preorder your “usual” coffee and breakfast by the time they arrive at the café. This will allow businesses to adjust inventory and reduce food spoilage while reducing repetitive tasks.
John Bell, global managing director, Social@Ogilvy
Advocacy can occur anywhere.
No category is too boring.
China boasts the highest level of brand advocacy.
US has the highest passion for brands.
Global brands should focus on product features.
Move beyond the blunt metrics of “sentiment” for tracking.
Encourage and enable advocacy everywhere.
Map out customer experience touch points. [e.g. hotel check out, online and offline]
Should our CMO invest in advocacy? Yes.
Panel: Jay-kay Kwek of Google, Dave Rowley of Get Satisfaction, Stuart Ogawa of Marketwired
How are organizations not getting big data right?
Google: Acquiring infrastructure for big data with no plan of what to do with it or what they’re trying to accomplish.
Get Satisfaction: Not knowing what success looks like.
Marketwired: Social doesn’t define big data or big data define social. How are you going to use it and take action?
Make sure content is highly discoverable. People tend to search before they ask. Same applies to content marketing. What applies to customer support probably applies to content marketing and inbound marketing problems.
What industry benefits most from social data?
Those with some complexity in their product. Pampers is a good example, because raising babies is complex.Big data does not = analytics.
A good team starts with analysts. Start with analytics first. Most organizations keep the analytics team downstream, they should be upstream in the beginning.
Susan Etlinger, Altimeter Group
How do you ensure people at the bottom are heard? Avoid making decisions using HiPPO – highest paid person’s opinion.
Challenges in social data are:
Multiple internal constituents or interests.
Requiring new analytics approaches: variety, velocity, volume
Social data and sometimes analysts lack enterprise credibility: new, lacks standards, analysis roles are new
Social data comes in large volumes. Not in structures bits, but unstructured comments.
Panel: Joe Fernandez CEO of Klout, Jordan Kretchmer CEO Livefyre, Jorn Lyseggen CEO Meltwater, Nova Spivack CEO Bottlenose
In small companies the social aspect happens one to one. In large companies a CEO feels they have to participate. You don’t have to participate. Start with listening and lurking.
It’s not about your accounts but others’ accounts and what they’re saying about your brand.
Social media is a source to understand competitors. Social data is going to be as important as ERP data.
ROI is often used to cut the legs out [of social media] by people afraid of change. People using ROI not to focus and grow their intelligence are making a mistake.
Biggest problem in using social media is they [c suite] use internal data for decision making and are not using external data. If you aren’t you won’t see what’s coming.
Social intelligence and business intelligence are converging.
Companies are still understanding social media. It helps you understand your ecosystem.
If you understand the present you will understand the future. Others are stuck in the past.
Gavin Newsom, lieutenant governor of California
I’m seeing disaggregation of power from individuals. Government is using an old industrial approach.
You can’t have a two-way conversation if you don’t participate in it.
Secrecy does not breed trust. Now the price is being paid for not being open.
People are less willing to be open if they now everything is going to be public. They are worried about what is said not being contextualized.
People want to start mining Facebook data so you pick your voters versus them picking you. Slicing and dicing is not for the common good for distribution of power.
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twitter takeaways
IMO, planning 4 live moments is not all great creative; it’s also great analysis & repeatable process. That’s what makes it scale. #sdwk13
— Susan Etlinger (@setlinger) September 16, 2013
There are 1 billion tweets generated every 2.5 days. Holy #$%! @aunder #sdwk13 — Maria Ross (@redslice) September 16, 2013
2) Plan for live moments – scenario planning for all outcomes; have campaign options in place for real time interaction @aunder #sdwk13 — Social Data Week (@SocialDataWeek) September 16, 2013
When users engage with a brand on Twitter, brand favorabiity increases 30% and intent to purchase increases 50% says @aunder #sdwk13
— Jen Picard (@jenpicard) September 16, 2013
There’s a 22% increased message association when a user is exposed to a promoted tweet. #sdweek @aunder #twitter
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
“Companies have achieved only 3% of combined $1.3T potential revenue sourced from social data opportunities.” @RMB #sdwk13 — Ben Coffee (@CoffeeMeing) September 16, 2013
“Just say what you think. You’re going to be “a former” one day. Better to do it on your terms” @GavinNewsom #sdwk13 — Social Data Week (@SocialDataWeek) September 16, 2013
Very true statement from @GavinNewsom “If you want to move the mouse you must move the cheese” #sdwk13
— brendanfoley (@brendanfoley) September 16, 2013
“we all thought big data was a rapper” @gavinnewsom on how difficult it is to move government forward in tech adoption #sdwk13
— Katie Van Domelen (@ktvan) September 16, 2013
“Unstructured data (real-time) is going to be more important than structured data (past data)” – @jorn_lyseggen #sdwk13 — Meltwater (@Meltwater) September 16, 2013
Bottlenose has helped clients increase ad engagement by 10x with listening and improved targeting. #sdwk13 @novaspivack — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
“The co who bought @orangina used @twitter to learn their product was being mixed w whiskey not being drunk by kids.” @meltwater #sdwk13
— Rob Bailey (@RMB) September 16, 2013
ROI is often used to cut the legs out by people afraid of change. [of social media] #sdwk13 @JoeFernandez #klout
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
Live poll results #sdwk13 “How mature is your company’s use of social technology and social data?” pic.twitter.com/hCj89uekqF — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
Joe Fernandez Klout CEO says some Las Vegas hotels view your Klout score and upgrade your room #sdw13 #socialdataweek — Eddy Baik (@eb007) September 16, 2013
“Social data is as important as your ERP data” @jorn_lyseggen #sdwk13
— Klout for Business (@KloutBusiness) September 16, 2013
The HiPPO phenomenon = Making decisions in an organization based on “the highest paid person’s opinion” #sdwk13 #LOL #truth
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
“Learn by lurking”: listening skills still important #SocialData #sdwk13 — Justin Breucop (@Breucopter) September 16, 2013
Dell monitors 25,000 social conversations a day. #sdwk13. — Deb DeFanti (@wiredmommy) September 16, 2013
here is the article that started #dellhell in 2005, it is a fascinating story http://t.co/aCbaPRqXCy #sdwk13
— Ted Sapountzis (@sapountzis) September 16, 2013
“What decisions are you making based on that data?” Every panel at #sdwk13 should answer that question! Go @setlinger
— Nick Arnett (@NickArnett) September 16, 2013
The #sdwk13 live stream is great to watch via http://t.co/RQodsC2bAV pic.twitter.com/4LwkHTSDSd — ♛DowntownRob♛ (@DowntownRob) September 16, 2013
CBS Interactive uses a lot of different software – @hootsuite @radian6 @datasift … Still room for one ring to rule them all #sdwk13 — Catherine van Zuylen (@catevz) September 16, 2013
Could not agree more with @setlinger. Social data without the context of enterprise data is just vanity data. #sdwk13
— Ted Sapountzis (@sapountzis) September 16, 2013
#socialdata IS #bigdata! Requires new analytical approaches due to volume, variety, velocity #sdwk13
— Maria Ross (@redslice) September 16, 2013
Social doesn’t define big data, and big data doesn’t define social. #sdwk13 @davidrowley — Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
Not surprised that China has highest level of brand advocacy #weibo @DinKyDK #sdwk13 #socialgist #socialstats — Sarah U (@sarahuhran) September 16, 2013
Social Data is not an island – on avg, 13 depts w/in enterprise using social data. Beyond marketing/comms including HR, Legal, more #sdwk13
— Social Data Week (@SocialDataWeek) September 16, 2013
Sentiment is nothing without context. #sdwk13
— jonathan hegranes (@hegranes) September 16, 2013
Advocacy can occur anywhere. No brand category is too boring. #sdwk13 Social@Ogilvy
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) September 16, 2013
Rock Star Panel: Google, Marketwired, & Get Satisfaction @SocialDataWeek! #sdwk13 pic.twitter.com/vTM31E7iax
— Katherine Sullivan (@MrsKatSulli) September 16, 2013
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