25 Sep Social Fresh WEST 2014 in San Diego 10/28-30/2014
Looking for ways to up your social media game? This October you can join a prestigious group of marketing professionals at the Social Fresh WEST 2014 Conference in San Diego. This three-day conference, from October 28th to 30th, is a nationally recognized event consistently cited by industry leaders as the best social marketing conference each year. The event will host 14 high-caliber speakers who will share industry best practices, case studies, and working strategies in highly focused less-than-30-minute-sessions. Speakers include experts from HP, Copyblogger (a Fandom favorite!), HTP, Lilly Pulitzer, Arby’s, FedEx, Thinkmodo and Oracle.
The team at Fandom has attended Social Fresh WEST for the past two years. We enjoy the single track format, the quality speakers and networking opportunities with other corporate marketers. It ranks in our list of the top three social media conferences to attend. This year we are proud to be a media sponsor of Social Fresh WEST.
why you should attend
- Take away actionable knowledge focused on social media marketing topics.
- Learn from case studies presented by big brands.
- You’ll be able to connect one-to-one with speakers and attendees
- This is a single track event – all attendees in the same room, all speakers on the same stage.
- This year’s event will feature one of the best groups of front-line social media thought leaders from the top brands, agencies and technology providers in the US.
event details
When: October 28th-30th
Where: The Omni, Downtown San Diego, 675 L St, San Diego, CA 92101
Cost: Pricing until October 3rd: $847 for a Full-Access Pass and $1,447 for a VIP Access Pass
Pricing from October 4th to October 22nd: $997 for a Full-Access Pass and $1,597 for a VIP Access Pass
Pricing from October 22nd to October 30th: $1,147 for a Full-Access Pass and $1,747 for a VIP Access Pass
Hashtag: #socialfresh
[button url=”http://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-fresh-west-2014-san-diego-tickets-12288526313?aff=OpenAffiliate&afu=3334236413;” size=”small” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] register now [/button]
Posted at 17:28h, 01 OctoberI’ll be there! What are your other social media conferences top your list?