13 Feb Social Media Examiner: Social Media Marketing World 2018 San Diego 2/28/18
The biggest social media event of the year happens right in our backyard. Social Media Examiner hosts Social Media Marketing World (SMMW) to educate marketers on the newest trends and how to take advantage of everything social media has to offer. A few topics they cover are advertising, blogging, graphic design and video creation. There is something for everyone at SMMW with speakers geared toward large corporations and small business. You are bound to walk away with new knowledge and a better understanding of social media marketing. If you’ll be attending, let us know! If you can’t make it, you can still get the best tips from SMMW by following along with us as we live tweet the event. TW: @FandomMarketing
What You’ll Learn
- How social media can help your business/clients
- The newest social updates and how you can utilize them
- How to create quality content
Why You Should Attend
- Learn from social marketing experts
- Connect with other professionals in your industry
- Get up-to-date on everything social media
Event Details
When: February 28 – March 2, 2018
Where: San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101
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