Social Media Stats Images

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Stats Poster for Fandom site_Social network ad spending 23.68B worldwide

Stats Poster for Fandom site_over 40 million photos posted to Instagram

Fandom stats poster_companies that prioritize blogging

Fandom stats poster_sales professionals are now using inbound marketing techniques

Fandom stats poster_social media platform used most often

Fandom stats poster_average number of advertising methods

Number of companies with LinkedIn pages

LinkedIn stats for top countries

Social Media Mobile Use By Social Network

Fandom stats poster effective sources of data

Reasons for using social media for customer support. Click for more social media stats.

Twitter is the new holiday shopping list. Click for more social media stats.

52% learned about a product on Twitter they later purchased. Click for more social media stats.

Promotions on Twitter motivate purchases. Click for more social media stats.

54% check Twitter while shopping in a retail store. Click for more social media stats.

48% of upscale boomers say they have been reached with Facebook ads.

B2B marketers who use social media to promote events do so most during the live event.

Pinterest ranks as the second biggest traffic driver. Click for more social media stats.

Long form video trend. Click for more social media stats.ats

How companies use social data for insights. Click for more social media stats.

Social media in the workplace. Click for more social media stats.

Twitter stats. Click for more social media stats.

How big is Pinterest? Click for more social media stats.

Why do people use Facebook? Click for more social media stats.

Businesses could lose 20% of revenues with poor service. Click for more social media stats.

b2b content marketing stats. Click for more social media stats.

Blogging acquires customers. Click for more social media stats.