03 Mar Tech Marketing 360 Reveals Six Challenges Facing Today’s Marketer
Tech Marketing 360 is a national conference targeted to CMOs and digital marketers. Rob and Melonie were invited to cover the event on Brands With Fans blog and to live Tweet. This was an Online Marketing Summit (OMS) event, revamped as Tech Marketing 360, and held at The Ritz-Carlton in Dana Point rather than San Diego. And hey, we didn’t mind because once you see our photos of the view you’ll wish you hadn’t missed it!
There were six themes at Tech Marketing 360 that summarized the challenges facing today’s marketer.
- The CMO and the CTO have to work closely together to support a successful business. This is a new concept.
- Roles are beginning to overlap. The CMO must be tech savvy and the CTO needs to be customer-centric.
- Marketing and technology shape the path for a digitally competent, 21st century business.
- Technology is changing faster than corporations with legacy infrastructures are able to.
- Big data is a big waste of time if there is not leadership to make sense of it and put it to use.
- We have hardly scratched the surface of what augmented reality, wearable tech and mobile are capable of. Brace yourself!
If your organization is struggling with change. If you aren’t clear on what to do with all the data. Or, maybe still making the case to collect it in the first place. And, if you still haven’t come up with the magical attribution model to tie together every marketing touchpoint that creates purchasing behavior… join the club. Every marketer is struggling with the same challenges. While we’re trying to figure it out, digital communications continue to evolve at a faster pace than history has ever witnessed. You are a marketer in an epic time of change. Take the challenge and embrace it! The best way to keep up is to band together and learn from each other at conferences like this.
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top event tweets
Here are more takeaways from marketers on Twitter who attended the sessions.
We love this #tm360 swag from @Ektron! Photo via @mpappas: pic.twitter.com/QA433WEZUg
— Tech Marketing360 (@techmktg360) February 21, 2014
Conference dress code? W/ @Gaylewolski #tm360 pic.twitter.com/DXdda4Pv1Z
— Stacy Martinet (@stacymartinet) February 21, 2014
Good Marketing Strategy = what not to spend your time on + what really matters to your audience #tm360 #marketingchat #b2bmarketing
— Bibi Jackson (@bibibellevie) February 27, 2014
First visual analytics with powermap in excel. Super cool. Then layer on cmpgn timing. @jmgagnon #tm360
— Leslie James (@pixienergy) February 20, 2014
In the Day 2 Closing Keynote with David Sable from Y&R, about Generation World: The New Tech Customer. #tm360 pic.twitter.com/P5eyeGooI5
— ♛DowntownRob♛ (@DowntownRob) February 20, 2014
95% of content is crap. Why? Because good content is expensive and is hard. #TM360
— Aseem Badshah (@aseemb) February 20, 2014
Have you heard of http://t.co/YYFnXYBgAm? People bid on doing your grunt work for the least amount of money. #genius #tm360
— Arianne Schumacher (@ArianneMS) February 19, 2014
“If you’re not on mobile, you don’t exist.” – @stacymartinet @techmktg360 @mashable #tm360
— Rachel Youngberg (@RYoungberg) February 21, 2014
Last month Mashable was accessed by 5,000 different TYPES of mobile devices. @stacymartinet #tm360
— Julien Brandt (@Julienbrandt) February 21, 2014
IDC says 80% of #data is wasted. CMO Becomes the Master of Data – best session! @techmktg360 @kathleenschaub #tm360
— Kelly Crothers (@MNET_Kelly) February 20, 2014
Social is both one-to-one and many-to-many. @patmorrissey #tm360
— Sarah Skerik (@SarahSkerik) February 20, 2014
Identify the triggers that will cause an uptick in demand, break them down by season, and apply them to the campaign strategy #tm360
— Al Cavalieri (@AlCavalieri) February 20, 2014
#tm360 @DavidSable “USP is now Unique Singular Person” #GenWorld pic.twitter.com/mJ56buW9Od
— ♛DowntownRob♛ (@DowntownRob) February 20, 2014
Word of the day: infobesity.#tm360 pic.twitter.com/L5h0xt65pj
— Sarah Skerik (@SarahSkerik) February 20, 2014
Are you in a technology business and don’t realize it? Taxi companies didn’t think so until @Uber. @singhns #TM360
— Natalie Bering (@NatalieBering) February 19, 2014
Cost is money spent. Investment is something that generates a return. #tm360
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) February 19, 2014
“the ability to “translate” the story the way our customers wanted to hear it = #b2me ” @BradLBrooks @juniper #TM360
— MsSonicFlare:: Ivo (@MsSonicFlare) February 19, 2014
Teens do not know how to use land lines. The first training they receive as interns is how to use a desk phone for the 1st time. #tm360
— Melonie Gallegos (@melonie) February 19, 2014
Connect emotionally with your prospects and customers #tm360 @BradLBrooks pic.twitter.com/8NqPJZhauz
— Josh Harbert (@harbejo) February 19, 2014
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